First Misshapen of 2011

15 04 2011

It has been a while that I haven’t posted anything, not because I haven’t anything to say, but because I haven’t had the time to do it. Yes, work is craze and add Ironman training to that, it gets even more scarce. Anyhow, I’m on week 8 of my ironman training program and so far, almost good. Since the end of the off season I’ve been getting a persistent Aquillis heel pain, which came not much after I started to wear a pair of Newtons. I didn’t quite follow their recommendations, but it started with 15 min and increased it up to 45 min runs, but it didn’t do the trick for me. I’m back on my New Balance 905s.

Simcoe Lake April 15th (windy and cold, ~3C!!)

But, it is spring now and with spring comes outdoor biking! But as e know, in Canada spring has bit of a unique flavor, it comes with pretty low temperatures. It has been sunny, but not that warm. The rides to Simcoe lake have proven to be extremely cold. By the time we get close to the frozen lake, it is literally freezing. Today it was my third ride up to the lake, supposed to be a 4 hours ride. Fernando and I left from Major Mac and Warden and head north for about 50 km until reaching the lake. Once at the lake we head east against a very strong cold northeast wind. We went east until highway 48, and then south… Unfortunately with another 50 km to go, I heard a splicing noise followed by a noise that sounded like a branch had caught my wheel. I stopped to remove the branch, but as it turned out it was not branch, but a spoke. I tried to continue without it, but the wheel wasn’t straight and it was even touching the breaks. So instead of making matters worse I decide to call it a day and walk home… Well, not quite, I gave Fernando my at keys, and he picked up when he was done. I have to say, Canada is a nice place. As I was walking back, mind you about 30 min walking, a van stopped and offered me a ride! David, a guy from Newmarket was heading south and dropped me at Warden and David road, about 20 km from my car. He actually offered to take me all the way, but I didn’t think it was fair, besides Fernando was going to pick me up any way. So I walked another 30 minutes and then waited for Fernando, just 15km from the car. My heel started to bother me, as walking with the cleats is no walk in the park!

Broken spoke, waiting for my ride!

I survived, 2:55 hrs with 200W, and 28.8km/h average. Very comfortable ride, I kept 200w all time as prescribed. I was actually looking forward to the way back, as I had a bit of a tail wind, and I was picking up speed… The average was going up…but I will never know how much. Thanks God for powertap, at least I know I was on the right range regardless of the speed. At the end of the day it was just a technical misshapen, which is MUCH better than an injury! Now I’m safe and sound at home! Lesson: always have your cellphone and don’t ride alone unless you don’t have any other option!

Ride Details: